Located in Belgium, Europe.
Potter is the only champagne Tennessee Walking Horse stallion in Europe
and also the only son sired by the late The Pride Piper on
this continent.
This horse truly has it all; walking gaits, conformation,
disposition and a shiny golden champagne coat as a bonus. Potter always
has 1 mare by his side all year around. He shares a pasture, paddock
and stall with her. You would never know he is a stallion. Potter is a
very gentle and easy going horse with lots of talent. Together we've
given many demonstrations to promote the breed in Belgium. This horse
has lots of stamina and would do very well in long distance riding.
Overall Potter is a joy to ride and a very smooth horse.
Registered TWHBEA, PSHR, CHBOA and ICHR. His offspring is spread accros
Europe; Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands. Potter is
available for all gaited breeds. Handbreeding only.